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MAG Silver Corp.

View Company Profile

September 16, 2024 at 4:10 PM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

George Paspalas

President, CEO & Director

Mr. Paspalas joined MAG in October 2013. Formerly, Mr. Paspalas was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Aurizon Mines, Chief Operating Officer of Silver Standard Resources Inc., and President and Chief Executive Officer of Placer Dome Africa, among many operational and project development roles with Placer Dome. During his career, Mr. Paspalas has been responsible for constructing and operating complex, open pit and underground mines in South Africa, Tanzania, Australia, South America and Canada. Mr. Paspalas earned a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) degree with Honours from the University of New South Wales in 1984. Mr. Paspalas is also a CGIC Accredited Director.

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The next company we have here is Mag Silver Corporation. So I'd like to welcome George Pasalo, President Ceo and director to the stage. Hey, Don. Hey, how are you, Mister Pasalo joined Mag in October 2013. Formerly the President CEO a rise in mines and held various other senior positions in different companies. Prior to that love to you, George. Thank you. Thank you, Don. And, good afternoon, everybody. I'll drink more water than Keith cos for some reason, my voice isn't working today, which a lot of people will think that's a godsend. Welcome to the MAG presentation. I hope we continue our tradition of turning forward looking statements into facts, presenter there for your leisure. So this is us. We're a tier one high margin producer. Our flagship asset is the one the Scipio property in Mexico, a joint venture with Fresno PLC who only 56% of the property and are the operator. We have the Deer Trail Exploration property in Utah which we're currently exploring avidly and the Lada Exploration property on the Greenstone Belt in Ontario. We're well positioned for continued shareholder value creation focused on high grade district scale properties in the Americas. The opportunity at MA is one Asip O production underpins the company. It enables us to comfortably fund exploration. Number one at one Aipo at deer trail and not lada exploration success at those three properties realizes significant value creation for shareholders. Listen to the last two slides. They talked about the silver market. Our slide on the silver market is the same story because the story is what it is sustained market deficit, no foreseeable increase in production and declining inventories like the other two presenters, what's the space? The silver price has to get higher? So at a glance, this is our capital structure, you can see we're primarily institutionally held. We have a market cap around $1.5 billion us about 100 and 3 million shares on the issue. Very tight structure. We have $97 million of cash on the balance sheet as at the end of the second quarter. And we're looking forward to achieving some of those price expectations that our many and very supportive analysts. A number are in the room. Thank you for your support and we're committed to sustainability. We always have been what we do on the ground at ma has sort of given us our social license throughout our history. A measurement is our ESG score from sustain alys and you can see sustained improvement in that score throughout the years. So a snapshot of the company won the CPO. It's a high grade silver deposit. It's got a nameplate of 4000 tons per day. We started it up early last year. We we achieved commercial production in June, sorry and nameplate in the third quarter, we made 16.8 million ounces of silver last year and almost 37,000 ounces of gold. It sits in the Fresno trend in the state of Zacatecas. One of the, the pro the most endowed silver district in the world. One of every 10 ounces of silver ever produced comes from the Fres Neo trend in Utah. We're completing phase four drilling now on a polymetallic carbonate replacement style deposit we've earned into 100% of that property. And we're looking forward to updating the market with results following the completion of our next two holes at Lada in Ontario. We've got a wonderful footprint on the L A Cadillac brake, including some 2nd and 3rd order. The structures where a lot of more recent discoveries have been made. We can drill there all year. It's a wonderful place for permitting and we enjoy a great social license to operate there with the local communities. So turning to one the Scipio there, you see a picture of the plant. Wonderful job, Fred Neo. Thank you. It's really started up. Well, it's a long life project. As you can see. this is certainly built to last. There's the joint venture ground in red,, nestled in against Fred Neo., you can see that, you know, we're returning very good margins. ASIC of $5.27 per ounce of silver sold for the first half of the year,, $4.49 ASIC for,, the second quarter of this year. So, you know, turning forward statements into facts, you know, we started one of Scipio up there in the start of 2023 achieve nameplate and we're now generating significant free cash flow that both partners are enjoying. And we're able to bring that back quite comfortably to Vancouver. Here, you see some operating statistics, you can see our mining rate in the left hand column graph has increased. We're now ramped up the mine to be mining at the nameplate of the process facility on the right. You can see, you know, one of the aspects of having a great working relationship with our partner Fres Neo is whilst we were waiting for our plant to be connected to the National Grid. We had a substantial amount of tons mined and we put those through the socio and the Fresnillo plant. So for the year that our plant stayed stationary, waiting for the power to be connected, we made on 100% basis, 100 and $22 million of operating cash flow what that graph on the right shows you though. Now as we start up, Juana Scipio, all the material now is going through the Juan Aipo plant. And I think the most interesting metric on this slide is the bottom right hand graph that shows you when the silver price moves, when you have cash operating costs of the four or $5 a whopping increase in cash flow margin. We increased our guidance. We are enjoying a strong grade performance. During the first half of this year, we actually increased our guidance with our second quarter results from 380 to 420 g per ton, up to 420 to 460 g per ton that gives you a commensurate increase in production and a very nice reduction in our guidance for our all in sustaining cash costs. So the bottom line here is one recipient is performing well. It's well run. We're now focused on fine tuning, looking for productivity efficiency gains. We've got a long time to do this. This is a generational asset. So the the cumulative cash flow from this will be immense. And this is what makes it special. The red arrow, the Valde Carnes vein, which is the principal mineralized structure in a vein system sits above a fluid upwelling zone. Every geologist that goes to school when they come out of school, what do they want to find? They wanna find the source of metals in the system. The joint venture is sitting on it here and you can see in the resources and reserve categories, substantial volumes because any structure near that Red Arrow will be mineralized, any permeable structure, very good grades because you're right at source, there's been repeated mineralization events, a wonderful asset and we've only scratched the surface. We released a technical report that came out with some wife of mind plans here in March this year. What you see on here in blue is the Reserve mine plan as per that technical report that accounts for about 50% of the mineralization. And one of the opportunities we're seeing at the moment is adjacent to the main vein, the Valdes vein, there are a number of inferred structures that we've found as we were drilling off valde cars. We haven't spent the money unnecessarily to really prove those up because we know they're there, they're veins, they're structurally controlled, you can't miss them, you know, you're in it and you know, when you're out of it, but you can see, but in the table, the volume of some of these inferred structures and the grades in these inferred structures. And that's giving us a nice sweetener to our main mining system. And I think that's one of the reasons that we're seeing some great over performance here in our first full year of production we released with the technical report, a very robust mine plan. You can see here as we go through the reserve life of 13 years. Remember that's only 50% of the mineralization in this system. Consistent tonnage. You can see the silver grade in the green circles is like every epidermal vein system. The silver grade's highest at the top. And as we mine deeper year on year, the silver grade starts to retract down. But the base metal grades that are in this system, the lead, the zinc and not factored in this is, is the copper rise. And what we have is an effective silver equivalent grade. That's pretty flat line for the life of the mine. And that's a direct translation to the cash flows. And you can see here that we deliver robust cash flows year in year out throughout this reserve mine life and a forward looking statement is that will continue as we mine into the resource mine life, a wonderful long life high margin asset. And we've only explored five per cent of the joint venture ground. The very first hole that mag sank into the Juan Aipo property was the discovery hole in the Juana Vein. We joint venture with Fresnillo whole 15 hit the val de Cars vein in 2005, 2006. And quite frankly, we haven't been able to get away from that corner of the joint venture ground because we keep hitting in every hole we drill. It's a wonderful story. It's a great place to find additional mineralization, not in the shadow of the head frame, right, where you're mining, you can see in the right hand corner here, a number of parallel veins in the vein system, but there's also cross cutting oblique veins. So the mining flexibility here is immense and we believe there's more red arrows. There's only three known upwelling zones in this system. And this is the first upwelling zone that's been drilled based on what we've learnt from that drilling. There's very compelling reasons to think there's a two or three more of these upwelling zones on the property. And so along with Fres NIO as we move forward, we intend to start to test these and see if we can find another world class tier one silver asset in the best silver jurisdiction in the world. That's why the Scipio a location, location story given where it is Deer Trail Mountain. The picture you can see here is another location, location, location story. It sits on this major f that separates the Great Basin from the Colorado Plateau of Western United States. It's about 200 miles south. Well, it's 225 kilometers, sorry, south of Bingham Canyon. I think everyone knows Bingham Canyon, one of two manmade structures on earth you can see from outer space. Very large porphyry, that's what's being mined. Now, the porphyry in that model on the left. Bingham is a real analog for the trial. We're not that interested in the poor, free from a exploitation point of view. We are from a geological point of view and a exploration vectoring point of view. We're interested in those black lines which Bingham Canyon 80 years ago were mining those black lines. Their high grade silver mantos sitting around the poor free hub idea idolized there on the right is a hub and spoke model and this is our geological cartoon for that deer trail mountain. Last year, we put two deep holes down the center of the mountain and we prove proven the occurrence of at least two porphyry in this system. Tick one. That's the hub. That's what's driven this system. We don't know whether those porphyry are mineralized yet or not from an exploration geological point of view. That's not that important. It's more important that the poor free hubs are there. What we're drilling out here now is,, around 123, we're looking for these high grade silver mantos position. One on the slide here is a historical deer trail mine average 465 g per ton of silver, good lead, good zinc. And for years, that was thought to be the source of the minerals in this system. And a lot of the historical exploration focused around one, we have a different theory. We believe the mineralization came from deeper and it actually escaped up through a shale cap through three faults, three structures that we can trace in the old underground mine on a two kilometer long at it in the side of the mountain. So our focus now is looking for these chimneys, large scale Mantos., we have had a discovery of one of those spokes. It's called the Carissa. We're following it up now with a number of holes and we hope to be able to update the market on that., probably late this year or early next year. Deer Trail is very exciting for us. It's a large system. Investors hate this word but geologists love it. It's extremely complex. There's lots of complexity from, from a geological point of view where you have complexity, you have the potential for big deposits. That's what we're hoping to find here. We have another location property up on,, the Cadillac lava break in Ontario, another world class historical producing area. We've got 8.5 kilometers of the primary lava break and up to 20 kilometers of second and tertiary. Historically, this has been a high grade gold area below 500 m steeply plunging shoots obviously underground right up our alley. It's permitted drill ready. We have two drills on site. And,, you know, we're nearly in the 40,000 m of drilling at this property. The location here is remarkable and what we did earlier this year is we purchased, let's say the right hand side of the green footprint you hear you see here, it's called Gold State. It was a forgotten property sitting in a dormant delisted joint venture run by a couple of octogenarians. And this property has a drill hole with a lot of visible gold in it. It's got up to 6.5% zinc in grab samples on the surface from what's potentially A V MS. It is not explored at all high potential. And so next year, I think we'll be putting some holes into that. At the end of this year, we're going to stop our drilling for a little while, take a hiatus. Have a real think tank of what we've learnt here, what we've found and how we structure going forward. Our two main reasons to buy the lada property when we did for $16 million was the footprint as a location. And probably more importantly, it's known in this area, you have to be below 500 m to find the good stuff and there was no drilling there. So what we've done this year is we've come in and we've drilled some of these close to the surface, low grade open pit, mineralized shapes and we've proven high grade gold continues at depth. Our analog for this one is the K Radisson mine which is a couple of kilometers down the road, 10 g per ton silver made 10.5 million ounces. So we are looking for the blow out of these shoots that we've identified now into something more substantial which carries large tons and grade with us. So, moving forward one, a Scipio, it's proven itself now, it's a well run asset. We're grateful to Fresia for a, the way they work with us the way they run the mine., we work closely with Fresia. There's lots of data sharing, ideas, sharing and that's flowing through into the performance. We're seeing deer trail. We should finish our drilling of the,, the Carissa potential Manto during the course of the rest of this year and we'll update the market on that. We're preparing for a teach in on the lada property in terms of what we learnt there from our drilling there over the last two years. Watch the place. Silver's gonna rock, one of the Scipio's gonna rock and I am in expecting that we will have a discovery at one of those three properties hopefully soon, but certainly in the future. Thank you, Don. Thank you George. So I think we have time for one question. So George, with, with free cash flow trending probably looking even better next year. Can you comment on your plans for capital allocation? How you might distribute some of that cash flow dividend, share, buyback, exploration. What the, what not all, all of the you have done. Our intention is to build 100 and 20 100 and $30 million of cash on the balance sheet, but we're at 97 at the end of Q two. So obviously we're going to get there. The reason for that is that, you know, we want to have a good runway to run our business, not totally reliant on woio, we want to have that resilience in our balance sheet. We filed an NCIB, I think when we filed the NCIB, we were sitting at $13 Canadian a share or 13.5. We're now sitting almost at 20. I think Don one of the aspects of capital allocation would be depending on our view of valuation and how our shares are trading compared to our NAV or consensus NAV. If we feel we're undervalued, we will buy shares back. Capital allocation is probably the biggest conversation within the company management and board and we'll be landing on a a statement that we can make on capital allocation moving forward. Ok, thanks again, George Mag, Silver Corp.


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