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Solitario Resources Corp.

View Company Profile

September 16, 2024 at 3:10 PM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Chris Herald

CEO & Director

Mr. Herald has been a director of Solitario since August 1992. He has also served as Chief Executive Officer since June 1999 and President since August 1993. Mr. Herald also served as a director of Crown since April 1989, as Chief Executive Officer of Crown since June of 1999, President of Crown since November 1990 and was Executive Vice President of Crown from January 1990 to November 1990. Prior to joining Crown, Mr. Herald was a Senior Geologist with Echo Bay Mines and Anaconda Minerals. Mr. Herald currently serves as non-executive Chairman of Viva Gold Corp. Mr. Herald received a M.S. in Geology from the Colorado School of Mines and a B.S. in Geology from the University of Notre Dame.

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Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Ross Alistair. I'm head of the mining team at Peel Hunt. We're a UK independent Investment bank. Look after 150 companies that are listed on the London Stock Exchange. First up, we've got Chris Harold from solitary resources. I'll hand over. Thank you, Ross. And it, it is a pleasure to be presenting once again at the Denver Gold Show or Denver Gold Forum here in, at the Broadmoor. It's a great venue. I'm very happy to be presenting today because we're going to present some of the first results we first drilling results we've had on our Golden Crest property in South Dakota. So anyways, Solitario is a company that has three main assets. Two of them are zinc assets and, and we call these deep value assets for us. They've had a lot of money spent on them. They're joint ventured with two of the largest zinc companies in the world. Great joint ventures, great properties towards the end of this presentation. I'll go into those, but the main focus will be on our Golden Crest property and at Golden Crest we think it has exceptional potential. It's a very unique property. I've been working exploration primarily gold for the last 40 years. And I can say by far, this is the most interesting early stage gold property I've ever seen. We've had a lot of other geologists outside of our company, pretty much say the same thing. Our joint venture partners in zinc or tech and NE A and on the gold property, Newmont put money into Crow into Solitario last year and we were able to attract 77 and three quarter million dollars us in 20 late 2023 primarily on the back of the Golden CRE Crest. attributes Newmont now owns about 8.7% of Solitario. We did a private placement in October for four and three quarters million dollars. And then there was director and Officer Option Exercise in late October of last year. So this, I I think this is an outstanding achievement, raising this money in a very difficult market. Golden Crest is in the Northern Black Hills of South Dakota and a lot of people don't realize that South Dakota is the third largest historically gold producer in the United States behind Nevada and California. And the primary gold producer, there was the home state mine which produced 42 million ounces outright. 7 million ounces went into tailings and was unrecovered and another 20 million was left in the ground. So altogether about 68 million ounce Gold Endowment making it the largest US gold mine for about 100 years. It's been surpassed now by a couple of the big Nevada properties. That wasn't the only mine, there were two other important mines in this district. One's the Wharf mine which had over 8 million ounces and the other, the Guild Edge mine, which is controlled right now by Agnico Eagle. The Wharf mine is currently in production by core mining. So this is a fabulous gold district. When you look at Solitary's land position, It's actually grown a little bit since this slide was made. We're at 35,000 acres right now. You can see some of the major mines on to the east of our property position. Gilt Edge Homestake and Wharf. There's also smaller mines, Richmond and, and Ragged Top. Now the Homestake mine is old gold mineralization. It's about 2 billion years old. It's in precambrian rocks. All the most of the other mines on this map are tertiary age 50 million years. They're younger. The gold there was in place much younger. And when you go to Solitarios property position, it essentially had zero exploration for the last for history. Almost none. And that's because it had different rock types on the surface here. So what do we know about Golden Crest? Now, we've been working there on the surface for three years. We know it's one of the largest hydrothermal gold systems we know of in the world, 80 square kilometers have been altered by hot waters that are gold bearing. We've discovered multiple really high quality gold depo prospects on surface. It's adjacent to a giant gold fields with the homestake Wharf deposits. I'll show you some of the high grade that we found on surface very shortly. And what we also see is multiple horizons can be endowed with gold. Here's some of the surface samples and remember there was never a drill hole on this project in 100 and 50 years, even though it was so close to one of the biggest gold mining camps in the United States. You'll see samples here, of course, these are the best ones. But we have lots of samples that are above 30 g, lots above 10 g. We have a few that are above 100 g per ton gold. They're all oxidized, they're all at surface. Now, this is some of the first drill core we've drilled. This is from our first three drill holes. We reported this morning on that and now the next slide will talk about that. But what I want you to notice in these, you can see these rocks are broken up and they, they're very conducive to deposition of gold historically in these rocks and, and they look, you know, very similar to what we just saw on surface. And they should, I'm gonna first talk about the area that's labeled platform a here. And that's where the first three drill holes were drilled. That's a a Google Earth image of the trace of the first three drill holes. The first one was kind of the one in the middle. The second one was the one above and the third one was the one angled to the one angled down in the Google Earth image. So when you look at this, the first drill hole intersected 32 m of 1.68 g per ton gold. And that included 14 g or 14 m of over 3 g per ton gold. A great first result lower grade than the trench above it, which was 36 m of 17 g. And so what we think we have in that trench was flatline, highly mineralized highly. So gold bearing horizon, when we look at the 2nd and 3rd hole, the second hole on, on the left there, there's three horizons there a little lower grade, nearly 10 m of 0.7 g 10 m of 1.88 g and 6 m of a little over a half a gram. Now to put this in perspective, core mining is currently mining 0.6 g of gold per ton. So really these that that's our average grade. So these numbers compare really well with what is being mined close to us. Now, if we look at whole number three, it was the best mineralized of the three holes 26 m of two po 2.56 g per ton gold. And within that were 14.4 m of over 4 g. And within that 14 m, there was a 2 g 2 m sample of 13.1 g per ton. So another thing I want to point out as you go down the hole, we've had good sniffs, anomalous gold in a number of different locations and formations. And we, we know for a fact that in the old district, there are multiple horizons that are mineralized and have been mined. So we have really good potential moving forward. OK. The most mineralized formation that we see in the old district, which is the Wharf one, excluding the Home State mine is the dead word formation. It's the lowermost of the limestone and sedimentary rocks. And in our project, we see highly oxidized Deadwood formation, which we think is is very positive for us. And we also see weak gold mineralization in a number of the horizons within this Deadwood. I mean 30 to 40 parts per billion gold, but there shouldn't be any gold. So we know there was gold bearing fluids moving through all of these formations from the bottom to the top of what we see at Golden Crest as we move forward, we're still drilling there and we anticipate we're going to be drilling there through November. We're moving to the east. We've drilled on platform DD. That was our fourth hole. We, we don't have any results for that and don't expect any for three or four weeks. Platform R we've completed, we're on platform S now and we're going to move on to some of these other platforms FJL. And also there's a platform even further north than what this slide shows. Pardon me? So we do have a number of new drilling areas. I've, I've got to say these platforms are not as well endowed with gold on the surface, but they're going to give us a more regional view of this project. And that's important because when you look at our surface work here, it is shows a phenomenal amount of gold scattered on two basic trends, one to the east, which is on the right hand side of the slide, it's 11 kilometers long and we have multiple surface areas where we have plus 10 g per ton at surface. And then it's more or less kind of look, it looks kind of dead in the middle. And then again, on the West side, which is on the left here, we see multiple areas of not as high grade gold but strong gold values. And we also see strong trace elements that are associated with gold. And so when you see two things like the two structures like this, they're both following major crustal structures. They're focusing gold mineralization, they're completely untested. And we think it's, it it's an extension of the wharf homestake gold trend that, that wraps from an east west trend into a southwest trend. And we have some good evidence of that both Geophysical and Geochemical. Now, one of the things is our best, a lot of our best gold anomalies were found after we submitted our permit. And so if we, we have 20 to 25 we think pretty good quality gold surface gold areas and these aren't small areas. A lot of them are 1 to 2 kilometers long which in gold is, is a huge area of geochemical activity. Our 10 best ones, we only have two that we're going to drill this year. We drilled the first one downpour, we're going to drill the 2nd 1/11 hour towards the end of of this drill season. We have four prospects that are undergoing permit review and we hope to be able to drill there in June of next year. And then we have four that we found after submitting the second permit. A top dollar Wild Rose Iris and Moonlight. These, these four we haven't started the permitting. We still have more work to do before we decide whether or not we'll permit it. I think, I think we will go after drilling permits there, but we have a lot of fertile ground to drill in 2025. I think probably our most exciting four of our five most exciting targets are going to be drilled next year. This is kind of showing some of the, the results we have at at different areas here you see on the left hand side, the downpour and to the northeast of that is the wild rose. There's multiple 10 g plus surface samples there. And we, we, we think we'll have good success there. We can see structures there. But, you know, one of the issues here, the reason it hasn't been found is there's so much cover grass and forest. So we take thousands and thousands of soil samples and they're leading us into these great fertile areas. There's, here's another one. we'll be able to drill throughout this area here next year. Geyser Spur and Z zigzag. there's a trench there. It's on a forest service road. It's two hun right in the middle of the road, 234 m long. The average grade is 0.8 g per ton on this trench. And it, it's a very consistently mineralized system that, you know, I've never seen such consistency in any trench in my life. Another area this is north of Ge northeast of Geyser. You can see Geyser on the bottom. It's called Sleeping Beauty. North of that is Holland. We see repetitive mineralization throughout this area. We call the whole area that we're permitting right now, the Ponderosa area and now I'm going to turn my attention from the gold to the, the zinc assets and this is really important. These are really well advanced projects. They're both high grade, they're two of the highest grade undeveloped zinc deposits in the world. And they're partnered with two of the best zinc producers in the world. At Florida Canyon. We have nex A resources. They own three smelters, one's in Peru, six mines. They're zinc focused and, and Florida Canyon represents the highest grade mineralization they have in that company. The lick zinc deposit is in Alaska, which normally we wouldn't be too interested in working there, but it's right next to the largest zinc mine in the world and it's owned by tech, which is the third largest zinc producer in the world. Looking at at Florida Canyon. It's a 39% joint venture. We own 39%. Our partner owns 61%. There's been the, the slide, I I think if we were to update it today, we're probably getting close to $90 million worth of investment by our partner. By the end of this year, 526 drill holes. We've finished a pe a about five years ago. It has a significant resource, high grade, 11%. It has great metallurgy. And in zinc in the zinc world, metallurgy is extremely important. It's a very clean metallurgy. Every zinc smelter in the world would love to process this because it doesn't have a lot of nasty metal elements to it and it's low iron that's important. So we, we're, we're hoping our partner will we anticipate drilling in 2025 but that's yet to be confirmed. Our partners undergoing budget approvals right now. And hopefully sometime in November, we'll be able to talk about a major drilling program there, but we can't say that with any certainty whatsoever yet. Now, not only is this technically a good project, but the joint venture is really, really strong. We're completely carried to production here. It's a very unusual ve joint venture structure and the reason for that is we discovered it. It's a very high grade deposit. Our partner has spent all the money, everything they spend through feasibility. We do not have to pay them back once they complete feasibility, then we drop to 30%. We go from 39 to 30%. They go from 60 to 70%. And and then we pay them, they loan us the money for construction costs, our 30% interest in the project and then we pay them back through 50% of the net cash flow do us. So starting starting day one, we get cash flow which is incredibly important to accompany our size. And so we have no capital risk on this project and no equity dilution moving forward. And it's, it's gonna be in when it starts mining. I think it's going to be a fabulous deposit because of its grade and metallurgy. That's a picture from the pe A It's all an underground mine you can see on the right side, some vivid colors there. That's where the ore is in a 3D model. And each one of those will be mined sequentially on the left hand side is a layout of the infrastructure that is currently envisioned. I'm sure with time these things will change as we get more data. And finally, the last project is a li project in Alaska. It's a 5050 joint venture with tech, tech's a great partner. For us, it's only 11 miles from Red Dog. It is a, it, it's had about $40 million spent on it. I think there's something like 250 plus or minus holes that have been drilled there, large tonnage, potentially open pitt. It has good metallurgy, not as, not quite as good as Florida Canyon, but in the overall scheme of things pretty good. And we conducted drilling with tech in 2022 and 2023. Tech, technically, we're the operator there, but because of tech's deep understanding of that project, they've been mining at Red Dog for almost 50 years now., 40 years, I should say because of their knowledge base there, we've asked them to be the manager of this project on a annual basis. They continue to do that and we continue to move this project forward. That's a view of the lick deposit. The geologist is standing in the front of the deposit. The Dupont is, it is about where it says 11 miles Red Dog is on the horizon. There, you can see it's pretty flat terrain through most of that. The indicated resource there is 4.5 billion pounds of zinc equivalent and the inferred is another 1.37 billion pounds. So this is a really major deposit. Its development here is probably quite a few years down the road because currently tech is still mining at Red Dog. They still have reserve good reserves for the next 5 to 10 years. It may even be more than that. That's what we see in their filings. Ok. Finally, I want to point out another thing that I think really separates solitary from a lot of companies. One is we only have 81.6 million chairs outstanding. We've been around 30 years and we've never had a reverse split. The other thing that, that really,, is unusual for a junior is we've never issued a warrant in the 30 years that we've been there., you can, we are listed on the,, New York Stock Exchange on the American segment,, and also on the TSX market cap is,, right around 60 plus million dollars. Right now, we trade about 100,000 shares a day on the New York Exchange and about 15,000 in Toronto. Hako of Wainwright is writing research on us and Roth Capital has recently picked us up. Also, management and directors are right in the same camp as shareholders. We own 8.4% of the outstanding shares that doesn't include options and those are all bought shares. They're not founder shares or anything like that. Our major shareholders are Edge point institution out of Canada, Newmont, Zebra Trust, which is the Lundeen family. So, you know, looking at 2025 what, what do we see in the future? I think we're going to have two exciting drilling programs going on. One's at Golden Crest pending our permits get get done in June. We'll have a really strong drill season there. The targets are really, really exciting. Hopefully our partner will we'll see a budget approval from AAA fairly major drilling program from our partner, ne A, we'll see what happens there and then at L we'll see more target identification, I think in that horizon with that, I'd like to thank you for your attention. It's been a pleasure to present Solitario. Thank you very much, Chris. That's a fascinating presentation..


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