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Dolly Varden Silver Corp.

View Company Profile

September 17, 2024 at 10:10 AM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Shawn Khunkhun

CEO, President and Director

Mr. Khunkhun has over 20 years of experience in the capital markets, mineral exploration and development sector with a focus on enhancing shareholder value. He has served in a variety of strategic roles including Investor Relations, Corporate Development, CEO, Director and Executive Chairman. Mr. Khunkhun has been instrumental in creating awareness for undervalued companies including grass root explorers, developers and producers. Mr. Khunkhun’ s experience in incubating and growing early stage companies through capital raises, acquisitions, joint ventures and spinouts, as well as long-standing relationships with an extensive global network of HNW investors, private equity and institutional investors, analysts, brokers, and investment bankers, have been a valuable asset to growing mineral explorations companies. Mr. Khunkhun has facilitated over $1B in capital raises.

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A high grade resource in the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle has a long history. you know, first discoveries were made about 100 and 30 years ago. In the 1st 100 years in the Golden Triangle, 5 million ounces of gold were discovered in the last three decades, an additional 150 million ounces of gold have gone into inventory. So 5 million ounces in the first century, 100 and 50 million new ounces in the last three decades. So the reason for that, in my opinion is because you've got improved infrastructure, you've got glaciers receding and you've also got higher metal prices. Now I'm highlighting here at the premier mine. this was known as the richest gold mine in the era. So if you go back to the 19 thirties when the Guggenheim family had the premier deposit, it was the world's best gold mine, most profitable gold mine. But what what I highlight here is the 45 million ounces of silver that were also produced fast forward to Sk Creek, which was discovered on whole 109 in 1989. Again, we think of SK as the richest gold mine, you know, producing it grades of over 45 g per ton. But I've noted here that there was 100 and 60 million ounces of silver at an average grade of 2.2 kg per ton. And then the last example I'll give you in the neighborhood is Bruce Jack, which is operated by the world's largest gold company today. This asset was in Silver Standard. So there's a theme here in the Golden Triangle. There's been 1.2 billion ounces of silver identified in the golden triangle. So when I came across Dolly Varden, four years ago, I noted the rich history, the high grade resource that was intact. But what I thought was we could potentially grow and expand primary silver. But there may be a very large gold system lurking on the project. I put together a very strong board of directors, a very notable group of advisors with experience at some of the largest companies in the world. Newmont, we've got reps from Heckler. So we've put together the appropriate team for a junior company, we've got $40 million in the bank. We have no debts. There are no warrants, we are fully funded through all of our activities into 2026. We've got over a $300 million market cap. What's really interesting here is only 10% of the company are in the hands of the public. So 50% is institutionally owned, 30% by Corporates and 10% by Eric Spratt. We've got coverage from Haywood, from research and from Raymond James. So over the last 4.5 years, I came in and took over as CEO on February 18th, 2020. What I inherited was a very small company about a $20 million market cap. The stock didn't trade and it was an, it was an unknown company. I'm very proud that by bringing in and retaining a very strong team. We have grown this company for our shareholders and, and we've maintained an over 400% return at a time where my peers, most of them are down about 70%. So the market cap is up over 1500% the share price up almost 500%. We've never done a down round financing. We've raised over 100 and $20 million. We've drilled over 100 and 35,000 m when the markets pulled back. We've made a creative acquisitions. So there's been two ways that we've tripled our mineral inventory, one through acquisition, one through discovery. So we've been very active. But we've now positioned the company in a place where with 40 million in the bank with some incredible opportunities for further consolidation in the southern part of the Golden Triangle, South of Bruce Jack, I think we are positioned to continue to grow. We've also got some incredible discovery news. I'll, I'll be sharing with you. I've been in the mining industry for 20 years. My perspective is the number one challenge any mining company faces is access. And the fact that we're in the traditional territories of the Nishka AAA group that in 1998 settled their land settlement with the BC government. So we have certainty. I was just recently at the Beaver Creek Conference. And I had representatives from Nishka attending that conference with me bringing certainty to my meetings with investors. So we are one of the larger employers of Nishka at Dolly Varden and this is a incredible partner. It's a commercial group that you know, is, is really pushing forward for development in the area. So I mentioned Dolly Varden is a past producer. So if you go back to the 19 twenties, this was the richest silver mine operating in the British Empire at the time, you fast forward to the 19 fifties. It was Canada's third largest silver producer. So we inherited a rich history. There is a theme that's occurring in the Golden Triangle today and that theme is reawakening past treasures. There's a company at today's conference, Skeena Resources that is reawakening, Sk Creek. This is a very similar opportunity. So in addition to the mineral inventory, what we've got pictured here is our Torbert deposit, the bulk of our silver inventory where we inherited seven kilometers of underground workings. Now, the strategy I could have employed when I took over four years ago was immediately take Torbert back into production. It would have been a material producer, high grade, that wasn't my strategy. Silver at the time was $16. We were getting about 40 cents an ounce for the silver. We had an inventory. My strategy was, let's see how large this system is. We've tripled the mineral inventory. We've made significant gold acquisitions. We're growing primary silver through drilling. So I think that was the right strategy. As we've seen the price of silver almost double. We've seen our in situ value go up almost 500%. Now, we've got size. Now we've got scale and we're going to continue to see how large this system is a infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure, roads, power and access to tide water. So we've got a lower drill cost than Nevada. You know, a lot of investors think of the mountains of BC and they think it's an expensive place to operate. Not at Dolly Varden. This is a past producer. We're leveraging that infrastructure so we can barge equipment in our people drive in, we, we drive our equipment to the deposits. We've got highways that run next to the project, incredible infrastructure leading to that low all in drill cost. So again, I I mentioned that theme in the Golden Triangle where SK Premier Bruce Jack all starting as significant high grade silver systems in the Southern part of the property. The historic past producing Dolly Varden and Torbert mines are 99% pure silver. As we start to move north on the property to Homestake Ridge. We're starting to see that system move from 100% pure silver to silver, gold to gold. Now, when I think about this project and I go back in, in my head to when Dolly was in production in the 19 twenties or when Torbert was in production in the 19 fifties. What I think about is the area not having the infrastructure it has today, not having the roads, the power. I think about glaciers covering the ground. The glaciers are not covering the ground today. But my point here is this high grade material daylighted. The surface and prospectors 100 years ago were producing this. It was very economic. So today that high grade bulk mable material that's daylighting, the surface has not been explored below a depth of 300 m. So the opportunities are to take these because its to depth, but there are also opportunities to grow them along strike. And what we've what we've learned over the 135,000 m of drilling that our team has done in the last four years. In addition to the 200,000 m that were done historically, what we've learned is there is a predic that every 1400 m there's another vein. So it starts at Dolly Tort Wolf Moose chance. The opportunity though is there's several kilometers between chance and homes state that has not been explored yet. So, you know, I look at the 140 million ounces that we have in our resource. That and, and I think about the 135,000 m we've done since we've updated the resource. And I really think that the big opportunity here is to potentially double or triple that resource estimate. What I've highlighted here on the left, The green is the Jurassic Age Hazleton suite that hosts SK that host Red Chris KSM Bruce Jack. And my point here that I'm trying to illustrate is there's a lot of ground, you know, we've got something in the golden triangle called the red line. So this is the un conformity between the Triassic age, Tahini and the Jurassic Age Hazleton. It's with that within that two kilometer un conformity that the big deposits in the golden triangle formed. So what we're highlighting here is there's a lot of opportunity I showed you that these deposits are open a depth, they're open a long strike, but there's many more to discover we've put on the geochemistry, the Geophysics. And we're, we're triangulating all of this information to make new discoveries. So, one of those new discoveries is Wolf and I've got a geologist here that's o on the image here, Amanda Bennett. Amanda is on this slide because she challenged an idea and, and it's really led from the company growing from being measured in the tens of millions to the hundreds of millions. And it was her idea that, that Jurassic Age Hazleton Suite, the volcanics could actually penetrate below the sedimentary cap. And we followed up on some old historic work that was done around the 19 sixties at surface. And we drill tested below the sediments even though the surface geo chem in the surface Geophysics didn't penetrate it. We followed up on her idea and what we're finding is we're growing high grade prime silver mineralization. We've highlighted some drill holes here right at surface, 15 m of 1500 g of silver, that's pure silver, that's not a silver equivalent. And then as we chase this to depth, the deposit is opening up 20 m 30 m and the grades are half kilo. So it's, it's an incredible it, it articulates the point that Dolly Varden can grow high grade silver and we've got other veins on the property. like moose like chance that we're going to apply the same understanding that the that the the system persists below the sediments. Now, as we go north to that silver gold zone, these are some drill holes that we had recently. 93 m of 357 g of silver equivalent. That's 50% silver, 50% gold. So it's about 100 m of 200 g of silver and 2 g gold. Now, what's really exciting is we stepped out of that silver gold zone and we hit core that looks like Bruce Jack, 12 m of 80 g of gold. I've got 30 holes that are pending from this area. We're trying to see if we can build some tonnage in this zone. We're trying to understand if the Home Steak silver deposit and the Home Steak main deposit, which is they're about 350 m apart if there's a relationship there. Home Steak Main 25 m of 46 g of gold. There are kilo grades of gold here that we're hitting. This is Bruce Jack Esque and this is where we've put a lot of focus on this year's drilling and we've, like I said, we've got 30 holes pending. We have three rigs turning and in the first half of 2024 as we release this information, the best drill intercepts for silver and gold came from Dolly Varden. So look my goal this year in addition to monitoring opportunities outside our borders and a big part of our history has been a creative acquisitions. Our biggest growth has come by acquiring homestake by acquiring big bulk. So as opportunities present themselves just north of our property, we are looking externally to grow to transform. In the meantime, we are completing a 32,000 m drill program. We've had three objectives from this organic growth. One is to validate the idea that we can find new veins outside of the resource and I'll highlight some of those drill holes. The other was to continue to grow wolf and the last one was the homes steak. So on the, on the first path, which is demonstrating that we are on a growth path to beyond 300 million ounces of silver is moose and chance and some of the drill results we had there. So that's that periodicity. That's that. Every 1400 m, there's a new vein and we're growing and then the wolf results have been beyond our expectations. Kilo grades over 10 m, you know, as we go deeper, it's opening up 20 m 30 m 600 g of silver, 500 g of silver. We've got a foundational resource. We've got 40 million in the bank. high net worth investors own 10% of the company. The other 90% 30% is corporate, 50% institutions, 10% Eric Sprott. We've demonstrated we can return 500% to our shareholders over a very, very difficult time in the market. The sh the market cap has gone up almost 2000%. It's on the back of the best drill results. It's on the back of accretive acquisitions and now that we've got a platform, a $350 million market cap, a stock that trades a clean balance sheet. We're gonna continue to grow organically. We're gonna continue to look for opportunities in the, in the district. And you know, we have the catalyst to come our drill results and you know, watch for us to continue to pursue a creed of M and A. So we have a few minutes for questions here from the audience. If anybody has a question, just please raise your hand and the microphone we brought over to you. So Sean, when you joined the company, you know, you were trying to figure out a strategy, you decided not to put it back in production and grow the resource you've been successful doing that and it appears that continues to be your strategy. At what point, however would you consider maybe advancing a pe or a feasibility study to think about actually developing a mine in this area as it has been mined in the past? Yeah, that, that, that's a great question and you know, so often, you know, we are you know, monitoring capital markets and, you know, also it's a results driven approach. But, you know, putting those two things aside, I think a year from now, we'll be looking ahead at updating that resource estimate and putting that into a pe A OK. Thank you. And maybe time for one more question then, oh, I think I have we have a question from the audience, sir. If go right ahead. So how many meters of drilling would have been done since the last updated resource 135,000 m. So obviously in this triangle area, it's a pretty hot area. There's a number of mines, there's a number of potential companies that might be interested in acquiring you. What, what are your thoughts on on M and A at this point? Are you, do you sort of have a defensive stature? You think there's more value to be realized in your resource or are you open to those discussions? Look, I think we're doing something that's extremely rare. You know, we're growing high grade primary silver. This is a part of the golden triangle that's under explored. We're well capitalized, we understand the geometry, the dip, the plunge, the Peric. I'd like to put another 12 months of drilling into the company before we seriously entertain M and a opportunities. However, that being said, at the end of the day, you know, we'll look at,, you know, we're open, we're not entrenched, you know, we're here for the shareholders. But I think, you know, I would, I would like to see more drilling and, and more growth. Ok. Thank you, Sean. Ladies and gentlemen, that's Dolly Varden Silver Corp.


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