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Sierra Metals

View Company Profile

September 17, 2024 at 10:30 AM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Ernesto Balarezo

CEO & Director

Mr. Balarezo has proven corporate and operating experience in leading multinational companies in the mining, cement, and services industries.
Mr. Balarezo served as Executive VP for the Americas in Gold Fields Ltd, and as CEO of Gold Fields La Cima. Prior to Gold Fields, he worked for the
Hochschild Group for 16 years. His last position was VP of Operations at Hochschild Mining, where he was responsible for five operations in Peru,
Argentina, and Mexico, as well as the mining projects in development. He also held the positions of General Manager of Hochschild Mining in
Mexico and then in Peru, as well as Deputy General Manager and Finance Manager in Cementos Pacasmayo.

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Two decades, Ernesto over to you. Welcome. Thank you very much. Good morning everyone. Sierra metals, copper producer with pressures and base by metal products. We are a company we are listed in, in Toronto, in New York and also in Bolsa de valor de de Lima in Peru. Our share price performance. Let me start with this graph. As you can, as you can see the value of this company a couple of years ago was, was very, very high if we compare it to what it is right now in October 2022 this company almost went broke. I joined the company in January of 2023. And since then, we have been able to turn around the, the operations. We had three operations at that time. Now we have 21 Kusi small silver mine. We were able to, to sell it a few months ago and we kept an NSR just in case the, the, the new owners really hit the jackpot there and, and, and, and will be riding the wave. But we, we decided to stay with only these two assets because as I'm gonna show you in a, in a little bit, these are world class assets, underground mines in Mexico and in Peru. So like I said, as you can see from January 80 2023 until September, more or less, we turn around the, the the operations we started doing marketing. We started coming to these road shows in September of last year. You can see the share price increase since then 200%. And we are still as you're gonna see very, very much undervalued. Yet one thing we did and, and this is not very popular when I say it, but we did it. We changed the management team at that time. This company had a history of being, being for sale for quite a bit of time. So that the mindset of the, of the management team team at that point was more of a of an exit strategy. Let's sell the company and, and we are out. I'm an operator. I come from Hot Shield mining. My last position there was coo and then I moved into gold fields as VP for the Americas, always in the operation side of the business, always most of my time almost 30 years in, in underground mining. So, so that's what we started doing. So we brought an operating team to manage this company, Jan Beer Fort is here with us, our CFO he comes from Vulcan in Peru. More than 10 years working there. We also have here our VP of talent and culture. Alberto Calle, he comes from Newmont, Las Bambas. And then we have all this team and the top 40 managers of the company, the tenure of, of these 40 managers is less than my tenure that it's a year and eight months. So thanks to all of us and, and to them, we have been able to turn around the company like I said, two operations Bolivar in Mexico and Yi Cocha in Peru, we produce 50% of our revenue comes from, from copper, 26% from precious metals as you can see. And zinc is important as well. not to be repetitive. But the, the last year, we took care of the first two pillars here, safety, health, environment and communities. It's already in our DNA. Everyone does it. They don't ask how they just do it is that this is what I call the non negotiables. And we took care of the operations, operational excellence. We needed to save the company. Now, we are a little bit, not a little bit some of our time, especially J JP, the CFO and myself and, and our board and I am happy to say that we have a board member here also, Rob Neil. We are more interested. I mean, some of our time is devoted to growing the company and we can grow it inorganically organically. I'm gonna show you how so some of the highlights that we were able to accomplish. Bolivar was a 2000 ton per day. Mine, we were able to take it to 5000 ton per day. And this, we did list this last year and we updated our N I 43 101, which was old. I, I might say last year I was here saying that we had two world class deposits. Now, it's not only me saying it, but we have a 43 101 report proving it. So this is very important debt refinancing. We were able to refinance our $75 million debt, $85 million debt into a 95. We asked for an additional 10 and this debt is payable. Now in five years, it used to be in 18 months only when I got in five year term loan, first year grace period and 35% balloon in year five. The cost is not the best software plus 6.5 is not bad, but we are already working to refinance, we have no penalties to prepay the whole debt. So, so we're working on that. I'm gonna tell you a little bit about a, a permit that we also got this year that it's a game changer for the company in a coa our Peruvian mine share price. You already saw how it increases it increased. We were able to do a little equity financing from shareholders and management management participated with 10% of this equity finance. Almost four of to almost four, between four and 5% of the company. Now, it's owned by this management team that I told you about by these 40 managers. myself, I own 1.5% of the company and I keep buying every time I can. We are very, very cheap. So, so that's important. We all are new to the company and we are putting our money where our mouth is and cusi this is a small silver mine that we were able to sell. That was not for us. It's more an exploration project the way we see it talking a little bit about Yi Coa and this permit. this red dotted line level 1120 we were past management had a permit to drill below this level, but not to mine below this level. When we got in, we found out we didn't have a permit to go below this level. 1120 just a level. And, and an area a line in our deposit, 95% of our resources are below this level. Only 5% of our current resources are on top. So we're running out of mineral on top of this level. Well, this was a game changer. We, we took the task to get this permit. And we were able to get it on February 21st of this year. On February 22nd, we started developing the mine below the level 1120 it's a new mine for us and we know that we have, look at the 43 101, look at the amount of measure indicated and inferred resources. We have 23 million tons. 95% of these 23 million tons of, of, of or are below the level. 1120 we have started to develop. Like I said, this mine had been producing a 2000 ton per day even though it has the capacity of a 3600 ton per day. barely making money at that rate at 2000 by Q four of this year. And we are only 15 days away or so by Q four of this year, we are gonna be able to be again at 3600 ton per day with that. This is an amazing, like I said, I mean, world class mine, the life of mine of this Yocha deposit. You can see it there on the right hand side, more than 13 years to have an underground mine with more than 13 years. life of mine, an underground mine with more than 13 years. Life of mine with more than five years in reserves is amazing. In hoshi, in gold fields. We had 23 years of reserves only because it's very expensive to have reser reserves. So this is an amazing, an amazing mind who is gonna be on top of everything in a couple of weeks. Look at the amount of pounds that we produced copper pounds equivalent in, in 2020 2021 65 58 million pounds of copper. We're gonna be at those levels in 2025. Right now, we are only at 40 million pounds equivalent copper by by next year, full full year will be again at those production levels. Look at the costs at, at those production levels. Today is not bad. 360 it's 360 because we are developing this new mind that we have below the 1120 level. Remember this is we have nothing below only resources. So we are developing that's why the the cost is the all in sustaining is a little bit high by by next year at full production, we should, we should be in the high twos because of inflation, low threes. So it's gonna be an an an an, an an amazing thing to watch. We produce three concentrates here. zinc, copper and Lead Bolivar. Look at, look at the picture, the green colors in the in the mountain. This is an under explored mine. This this mine is young. It's only 300 to 400 m deep. And we are just scratching the surface here again, the 43 101, look at the measure indicated. And in third resources here we have more than 30 million. The the grade is not great. But this is five ton per day mine right now, easily we can take it to 7500. What's missing here. Look at before going there. Look at the life of mine again. 13 years, three years in reserves. Everywhere we drill a hole here, we find, we find copper. It's, it's an amazing deposit. Why can't we go to 7500 tons? Now, tailings capacity. The thing here is that we have enough tailings capacity at 5000 tons for the next 3 to 4 years. Enough time more than enough time to build a new Tailings Dam. A project that we have started already. We're gonna build a new Tailings Dam that is gonna last for 10 to 15 years. Once we have in a couple of years, this tailing dam in in place will go to 7500. This is also a cash machine you're gonna see at 7500. You can, you're, you're, you're gonna do the math. How much are we producing here? Around 40 million pounds of, of equivalent copper in 2020. You can see that previous management high graded this mine. It was COVID. I don't know what happened there but look at the o in sustaining cost $2. There was no investment at that time in this mine then production that the got the mine got decyl production started coming down costs, starting going up last year. We were able to, to go back to 5000 tons a year and a half ago. This mine was a 2000 also in doing the operational efficiencies that we needed, that needed to be done. We were able to take it to 5000. last year, we were able to produce 36.5 million pounds at 331. This year we're gonna produce around the same. And this is the, the, the state, this mine is gonna be until we go to 7550% more. Look at the, this is consolidated information of as of the first semester of this year. Look at the Evita numbers $32 million corporate Evita to almost 30 million down, down on the left. If you multiply this by two, you can just infer in, in, I mean, guess that we are gonna be at $60 million Evita company by year end, we took this company when it was at 13. Last year, we were able to produce $46 million. And this year we're gonna produce over 60 I say over 60 because like I said, in Q four, the agriculture is gonna be at full production debt is not an issue anymore. It used to be an issue in 2022. But the ratio now is 1.56 and next year with the agriculture at full throttle, we're gonna be in less than one growing the company moving forward. Bolivar. I already told you 7500 to 10,000 ton per day easily. We can take it there. Y Agri coa we are increasing the capacity to from 2000 tons to 3640% increase. And why not think? And I, I can tell you this next year, why don't we go to 4000? I wanna have this mine for six months at 36 3600, full capacity, the meal can with a little bit of investment, go to 4000. So that's something that I hope. Hopefully I can, I can tell you next year in this same forum. On the right hand side, we have a big porphyry in, in Peru. Some of the majors are interested in this porphyry and we're thinking about putting some drill holes in this porphyry just to be a little bit, have more strength in the negotiation. And in Mexico, we have many Greenfield projects in organically. We are also looking, we are always looking, it has to be for us in production or close to production. We don't want more Greenfield projects. We have them in our portfolio. And I mean, if we have to choose Peru Mexico as our priorities and in the Americas. I wouldn't, I, I don't want to think about going to the other part of the world at this point in time. We're just starting. This is a new company. We have been set and told to change the name of the company because of all the baggage that it comes with it with it. So maybe that's something we, we, we, we will do in the next few months. Look at our market cap in us dollars $110 million. Like I said, this year, we're gonna produce between 60 $70 million of Evita next year with the agriculture at full production. Iii I get into trouble if I say the numbers we're looking at, but it's gonna be probably a lot more than two than these years and, and this year is gonna be 70. So we are very much undervalued. I think the market is not realizing that the intrinsic value and, and what we have in our hands and it's OK, we're patient. We think it's gonna, it's gonna come and iii I buy, like I said, shares every time I can every week if I can. So thank you for your time and thank you. Thank you Ernesto. So with that, we have some time for a couple of questions from the audience again. If you do have a question, just raise your hand and the microphone will be brought over to you. So Ernesto, you've got a, a number of development projects. How do you prioritize the portfolio of development projects you have across your p different minds? OK. Thanks for the question. We do have a bunch of them in Mexico and we are not developing right now. Those, we have drilled those in the past, we have some resources in some of them. And Mexico right now for the next three months I think is gonna be a little bit in tur turbulent times if I may say so we're not developing those. We're waiting to see what's going, what's gonna happen with the new projects and permits and all that. The porphyry in me in Peru has the permits to be drilled and that's what we are, that's the one we are prioritizing right now. OK? And maybe if you could just speak to the, the turbulent times, I think you're referring to the transition of government in October with Claudia coming online. So what, what are some of the potential implications that you see over the next couple of months? A lot of noise. The the, the next couple of months, I think there is gonna be a lot of noise but look like I always say, I mean, Mexico, Peru, Chile are mining countries and mining is not going away from our countries. So there's gonna be a lot of noise and, and probably it's gonna be a little bit harder to get some permits. But the mining is not going away, mining is a crucial and important part of the, the economy in our country. So, yeah, certainly that's what we're hearing and seeing from various other presentations and conversations. If we look at Yori Ka, you pointed out the opportunity below 1120 m. Can you speak to the potential infrastructure upgrades that might be required at some point at certain depths, specifically maybe ventilation or, or other things. It's, it's embedded in our cost. This is gonna be a very profitable mine, very, very profitable. So all the infrastructure is embedded in our costs and the ones that I I told you, it's a new mine. It requires all everything. I mean electricity, ventilation shafts, pumping systems, everything. So, but it's, it's in there and, and, and both deposits, the AOA and Bolivar are open a long strike and in death, that's something I didn't say so. So there's a lot of potential still here. Ok. Thank you for that. We have Ernesto Pala. This is Sierra Metals. Thank.


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