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Tudor Gold Corp.

View Company Profile

September 17, 2024 at 1:50 PM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Ken Konkin

President and Chief Executive Officer

Ken Konkin, P.Geo., holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of British Columbia (1984) and is a registered Professional Geologist with over 35 years of experience across North and South America and Russia. He spent 19 years at Silver Standard, managing exploration programs in Argentina, Peru, and Canada's Golden Triangle. In 2010, Mr. Konkin was appointed Project Manager for Pretium Resources, where he played a key role in discovering the 8-million-ounce Valley of Kings deposit at Brucejack Lake Mine. He was a co-recipient of the 2017 H.H. ‘Spud’ Huestis Award for excellence in mineral exploration and contributed to Pretium's 2013 Bill Dennis Award for Canadian discovery.

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We've had three companies with a very large coal projects. So this is another one, this is in Canada and I'll let King go ahead. Good afternoon, everybody. And thank you to for your time to attend on the great unraveling story of Treaty Creek. I think this is gonna be a great presentation to get everybody updated on the success of the 2024 program. We're also gonna kind of review the history of the previous five years of drilling to get you up to speed on the evolution of where we're at the forward looking statements will be made in part towards the end of this presentation. So hope you enjoy what you hear. early in the years of 2019, we made a significant discovery which we came up with initial resource. But after about four years of drilling, we've increased the resource size to an incredible 27.9 million ounces of 1.191 0.19 gold equi equivalent. So that to us is an important threshold to get over. Last that you saw on the Darlin presentation that getting over a ground was a significant hurdle for us. So we've got that. But more importantly, when you look at the inferred aspect, there's still 6 million ounces out there at 1.25. So that says to me, we haven't moved to the center mass of the deposit just yet. So in part, we have taken steps to go and expand the lobes of those domains. But let's describe the company briefly. We are a very tightly held company, 40% insiders. We've got a good recognized mining jurisdiction, the heart of the Golden Triangle. We are on the trend from the KSM deposits and north of the Bruce Jack Lake deposit. proximity to infrastructure really important plug and play. This will be a good summary of our 2024 drilling and of course, we've got a good representation or rather association with our first nations partners with Tal 10, Ska, Maka and Nishka on the project. So moving forward, as mentioned, we had came in early, Mr Eric Spratt. He saw the value of the project early and came in. He's still a major shareholder as well. Mr Walter Storm. He passed away sadly, but two things he did, he had a large position. He basically gave it in the hands of the directors and then nominated me as being his successor as President CEO. So trying to fill Walters shoes here. So when you see the structure of our directors and advisors, two advisors are my old friends, Joe Snick Ken mcnaughton, ex Pretium president and past senior vice president, Ronnie, who's in the house is a great director in the Gold, We Tru and Gold we trust is a great job force from Europe. Also infrastructure, super important roads, 20 kilometers away. Well, they're within 12 kilometers now. Our good friend Seabridge have brought us a road within 12 kilometers and has had to no and ha and has for the significant start up. So in the area, we've got great urine flowing water power, there's a power line within 30 kilometers of the project. air access everywhere all over the site. You'll see North South East West, great airstrips, expert facilities really important, all plug and play features first nations as mentioned. So as we said, heart of the Golden Triangle coming down, we see the to the south, our adjacent southern partner on the southern neighbor is Bruce Jack, the Valley of Kings. I spent many years there. I gave it the name in 2010. After discovering it in essentially 2009, we didn't act on it. History is kind repeating itself for us because there's a high grade component coming in to this deposit. You'll see the parallels as we get to the end of this presentation as well. That chain of beautiful deposits that Ksm has enjoyed off to our west. This is the town of Stewart. You'll see the yellow head hanger, the crew house for our warehouse at the center of town for two door our airport. This is a very important aspect of world seaport that you can import, export raw materials. This is the old so concentrate building that was built for premier but later used for S Gate Creek and now currently used by Newmont for all the ore from Bruce Jack and for Red Chris. Behind this line is Alaska. This is the Alaskan Panhandle. This is Canada's northernmost ice free port and about 100 kilometers south on the water is Prince Rupert, which is a beautiful shipping container for big shipping containers. So when you see off to the immediate east in the center of the main road coming in off of that hour and 15 minute drive, Seabridge has done a wonderful job of building a bridge that crosses the Bell Irving River at Glacier Creek and comes out to the west that connects well, not only the road but will connect the power line in the back but is going to connect on to their tailing sites which is selected here. So this is the Tailings facility that will contain 2.2 billion tons of their product. This road is to go up to a water treatment plant that they're gonna propose. And here we are right on the spot. So hopefully all these infrastructure aspects get imple implemented in the near future, which I think I hope they do. But going forward, let me, let me describe to you is the Genesis is how we discovered this deposit to begin with. So when I first looked at this project, years and years ago, everybody looked at as being a kind of discombobulated sense of the deposits. But in reality, after I had a good tour at Yana Coha, I discovered that there was a very much a frequency, 2.5 kilometers, 2.5 kilometers, 2.5 kilometers, 2.5 kilometers, 2.5 kilometers, a rhythmic spacing to the deposits. Very important. So this was part of the moving from drilling Copper Bell to moving into the northeast to drill off Golds Storm. So this is where the story begins in 2019. With our drilling consistence from 2019, 100 and 86 drill holes approximately 100 and 86,000 m. So a kilometer hole, we have now outlined numerous domains. Copper bell don't confuse that with copper. There is none there. It's a funny name. It used to be called Conk and gold, but they didn't like that name. So they changed it to Copper Belt. This is the 300 horizon. This is deep stockwork. Five, all of these are gold dominant. Everything. The one I want to bring your attention to is this CS 600 copper stream 600 because it holds gold, copper, silver. This is the one we're absolutely keying on. And this is the CN tower 553 m. This is an immense project, immense size. So let's examine the resource in a bit of detail here. So we did have started off with something around 800 million tons, which we trimmed up and we had a very tight geological model and now have got a much higher grade count as we move to the center of mass. Now, it's at 730 million tons of 1.19 close to 1.2 gold equivalent with almost 28 million ounces of gold equivalent. But what the goal is to go hunting for is about 100 and 50 million tons, more of a higher grade, 1.25. So there's 6 million ounces out there that we could still pull into the model before we pull the trigger on a pe a to get the best looking basically internal rate of return. So let's just look at the two domains that made the sense that we're actually chasing. This is the one that has the highest grades. It's the D DS five. When you look at this, you see 1.22 higher average than our basic global resource. But the inferred is almost 1.3 very important. So likewise, when you look at the DS five or the CS 600 you see that it too holds a treasure of wealth in an essential metal. 2.7 billion pounds of copper with another half billion pounds of copper. Yet maintains a very nice gold content of a boat combined between the two close to a 12 million ounce gold count. So this number is gonna be an important feature going forward because over half of the deposit occurs in CS 600. So when I ask our engineers, how you'd even go about taking something down? They actually said to me, well, first thing you're gonna need some pretty good grades. So we had that but we pointed out that at the base of the deposit, we were getting some really strong composites as much as 732 m of 1.6 gold equivalent. That to me was spectacular when you consider the head grade of 0.91 or the head grade of say the detour mine at 0.89 along with half a percent copper is a pretty spectacular composite to begin with. So I was satisfied that I saw we had grade, we had size, we had consistency. But what do we have for how we actually mine this thing in a in a block model. How would we go about taking this thing down? So, one of the concepts of going after the the deposit was that we would look at basically in the intrusive underneath this a sill like intrusive a di right, create a bunch of draw points. But after we partition this thing in a vertical sense, so the idea being you would create draw points all along here. So a considerable Capex investment including drill stations that would go after the initial block cave start up. So to me, I looked at this as being daunting, how do we do this for a small company? Well, the answer lied in the CS 600. 1 of the things that perplexed me early in the program of drilling in 2020 was how is it possible that I can go to Red Lake drill, an AR key and gold belt and typically see one drill hole out of 20 see native gold when I came here in 2020 subsequently saw out of 49 drill holes, 10 had visible gold. So at 20% frequency of native gold, that was crazy. I knew that this was not related to a poor freeze. Something late stage had to have caused the gold to basically come to rest in the middle of our deposit. Well, when we examined our drill core from past past programs, we looked at last year's program and voila. Here we go 12 m of 10 g, gold equivalent, 15 m of 15.6 gold equivalent. Here's a beauty 25 m of 9.69 0.96 g, gold equivalent or an internal shell of or a corridor of 4.5 m of almost 21 g. Gold. What did it look like? Well, it was a micro brea. It's an intermediate low sulfur sulfur event. Late stage superimposed as a super cell over top of our deposit. Well, that was just beau beautiful. So I was gonna go and now try and describe why or how we get all these 1 g of sub 2.5 pounds. Here's a one grammar of nice 2 1 1.5 m of two ounce gold. Here's another 15 of 7.84. Keep in mind, Bruce Jack Lake is a 6 g cut off with an 8 g average. So now I know I've got a super cell of sorts, I'm chasing. So how do we do? Well, I'm happy to report that we did succeed in hitting a super cell. However, we actually hit three, we hit three on the way down to extend the lobes. But the key to this is in the past, we typically would drill from this direction. We would have stations like this and we didn't have a high success ratio of hitting those super cells unless we're on top drilling down through in this direction. So here's how it looked in drill hole there. They were, this is this year's program. So how do we do with the lobes extending them out. Fantastic. There's one, here's a weaker one. We extended the globe, the, the lobes of the domains. More importantly, these were high grade hits on each and every one of these pierce points, all of them had gold. So the gold count that came out of this was actually pretty consistent. So when we run this and you see the averages coming out 12 m of 10 g. Here's a 72 of 1.19. It looks like it's a kind of typical of our porphyry, but hidden within it, a Supercell 6 m of 6.76. Here's a nice one of 6.3 m of 13.89. A great 1 15 m of 15.64. Here's one that's kind of on the weekend of things. 9 m. But if you want to put a galley or a passageway through, say the CS 600 you don't need to cut a 9 m cut. I'll guarantee you'll find two friends next to each other and make a 3 m galley of over 6 g. So I'm feeling pretty confident that so far we haven't missed yet. Here's an, here's that nice one in hole 134 that had that 25 m of 10 g or that 4.5 m core of that 21 g gold. Let's see how we did with the pushing up the domains here is one that typically would have been one of our earlier type intersects from say 2019, 2020 that intercept would have been about 300 m of close to 0.74 in this case, 0.73. So this doesn't even make our cut off. We might have to chop this off, chop that off because our current cut off is 0.75 g per ton. Gold equivalent is the cut off. So how do we do with this one? Well, this is close. We'll keep this 1150 of 1.17. Good job. And then this one 93 or 201 93 200 m of 104 and the bottom one just can't quite see it. Let's pull it out here. He is hiding this guy 227 a 1.22. That was it mission accomplished. So we've done two things now, not only flushed out the lobes of high grade, higher grade domains, but moreover, we have established this idea of a high grade super cell system over top, pervasively emanating from CS 600 through to the 300 horizon that we will be looking at our data very closely trying to mine the data and looking on this fabric. But more importantly, this is the 185 degree 50. So one 85 to minus 55 degree tectonic fabric of the entire super cell systems. So this is now the work we've got cut out for us to actually bring in as much high grade as possible. And just for a record. one of these super cells, this one whoops, bad one. Hope I didn't make anybody vomit this 16 million tons. If you have that at 10 g per ton, you have rules loosely 2 million ounces of gold. So to me, the program going forward, we've deris it as we've gone, we've included significant pathways of high grade we've actually gone through and demonstrated that we have early stages of e epidermal, not epidermal rather low socialization involvement. If we can follow those corridors, all the structural corridors and link them. We've got a program that changes the paradigm of the company. That means everybody on the floor here. Anybody who is an investor, anybody who's a AAA company that looks at having success in the mining sector, even the smaller mining community could jump in on a 1 billion Capex. Before previously, we were looking at the upper tier echelon mining companies because we needed somebody that would a be able to participate in b put in a significant capital investment on basically a, a starter pit with a sublevel block cave. But now if you convert that to something that's got 34 million ounces of high grade first, take that out over the 1st 5 to 789 years with a 2000 ton a day plant. Take out the high grade, build out your stations, build out all of your infrastructure required to go after CS 600 which will have grades or basically material that would last 50 years. We believe this to be a company maker. I'll take questions of that. Half a minute. Great. Thank you, Ken. Does anybody have a question for Ken? Sure. This one? Oh, the capital, capital, sorry capital structure, carpal structure. I wish they would name these and just before this capital structure, here we go. That's one more. There we go. So currently we're actually trading a little bit higher. We're around a well, here it is 260 fully diluted. Actually, we're running around a little bit higher than that on the market cap. So 260. Does that answer your question? It does? Ok. Ok. Ok. I think we're out of time. So thank you very much, Ken. I appreciate it. And that's pretty much of this session. Thanks.


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