Tahoe Resources

View Company Profile

September 25, 2018 at 2:10 PM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Jim Voorhees

President & CEO


This profile and presentation contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the United States Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, or in releases made by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, all as may be amended from time to time, and "forward-looking information" under the provisions of applicable Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business, operations and financial performance and condition of the Company. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, or variations or comparable language of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, "should", “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved” or the negative connotation thereof.

Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the following: the Guatemalan Constitutional Court’s formal resolution regarding Escobal’s mining license, the requirement that MEM complete ILO 169 Consultation before the mining license can be reinstated, the description of the four stage process outlined in the resolution and the Company’s expectation that it will be permitted to restart operations once the Guatemala Supreme Court has verified the consultation process and the other requirements of the Constitutional Court’s final resolution have been complied with; the development of an Indigenous Peoples Policy and the commitment to improve social license to operate, resolve conflicts and rebuild relationships with key communities; the timing and results of other court proceedings; the timing and likelihood of peacefully resolving the road blockage affecting the Escobal mine; the re-issuance of permits, licenses and credentials relating to the Escobal mine; the estimation of Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources and the realization of Mineral Reserve estimates; production, cost and total cash costs targets and capital and exploration expenditures for the Company’s gold operations for 2018, 2019 and 2020, including production, cost, capital and exploration estimates per gold mine in 2018 and the target of producing approximately 500,000 ounces of gold in 2019; the future price of silver, gold, lead and zinc; our proposed exploration programs; sustaining and project capital expenditures; the timing of completion of the Bell Creek shaft project in early Q4 2018 with ramp-up by year-end 2018 and the expansion of the Bell Creek mine to 80,000 ounces per year by 2020 and extending mine life by at least 10 years; the timing and cost of the design, procurement, and construction of the crushing and agglomeration circuit at Shahuindo, including commissioning of 36,000 tpd by year-end 2018 (which includes construction of leach pad 2B, expansion of the absorption, desorption and refining (ADR) plant and the installation of the 220kv transmission line and sub-station), and the completion of secondary projects in 2019 (waste dump and water treatment facilities); and the expectation that 2018 is to be a peak year for capital expenditures.

Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable assumptions, estimates, analyses and opinions of management made in light of its experience and its perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made, but which may prove to be incorrect. Management believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable. Assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: the Company’s performance and ability to implement operational improvements at the Escobal, La Arena, Shahuindo and Timmins mines; the Company’s ability to carry on exploration and development activities, including land acquisition and construction; MEM conducting an effective court-ordered consultation process in Guatemala; the timely issuance and/or re-issuance upon expiration of permits and other approvals; the availability and sufficiency of power and water for operations; the successful outcomes of consultations with First Nations or other indigenous peoples; the price of silver, gold and other metals; prices for key mining supplies, including labor costs and consumables, remaining consistent with the Company’s current expectations; production meeting expectations and being consistent with estimates; plant, equipment and processes operating as anticipated; there being no material variations in the current tax and regulatory environment; the Company’s ability to operate in a safe, efficient and effective manner; the exchange rates among the Canadian dollar, Guatemalan quetzal, Peruvian sol and the USD remaining consistent with current levels; the Company’s ability to peacefully resolve the protests and road blockages of the Escobal mine and other mines that may arise from time to time; the expected outcome of the Constitutional Court’s decisions and the timing and ability of the Company to resume operations once the suspension of the mining license to Minera San Rafael for the Escobal Mine is lifted and all licenses, permits and credentials affecting the operation of the Company’s mines, including the Escobal Mine, are renewed or re-issued and all roadblocks are cleared, and relationships with our partners, including employees, vendors and community populations are maintained or effectively managed; the Company’s ability to obtain financing as and when required and on reasonable terms; and the Company’s ability to continue to comply with the terms of the credit agreements with its lenders. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which may have been used.

Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include but are not limited to; the fluctuation of the price of silver and gold; opposition to development and mining operations by one or more groups of indigenous people; actions that impede or prevent the operations of the Company’s mines; the inability to develop and operate the Company’s mines; social unrest and political or economic instability and uncertainties in the jurisdictions in which the Company operates; the timing and ability to maintain and, where necessary, obtain and renew necessary permits and licenses; changes in national and local government legislation, taxation and controls or regulations; environmental and other governmental regulation compliance; the uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources and mineral reserves; fluctuations in currency exchange rates; infrastructure risks, including access to roads, water and power; and the timing and possible outcome of pending or threatened litigation and the risk of unexpected litigation.

For a more detailed discussion of these and other risks relevant to the Company, see the Company’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis and Annual Information Form and our other public filings available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com, on EDGAR at www.sec.gov or on the Company’s website at www.tahoeresources.com. 

Although management has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, accordingly, are subject to change after such date. Except as otherwise indicated by the Company, these statements do not reflect the potential impact of any non-recurring or other special items or of any disposition, monetization, merger, acquisition, other business combination or other transaction that may be announced or that may occur after the date hereof. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management’s current expectations and plans and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of the Company’s operating environment. The Company does not intend or undertake to publicly update any forward-looking statements that are included in this document, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as, and to the extent required by, applicable securities laws.


The Denver Gold Group does not make any express or implied condition, representation, warranty or other term as to the accuracy, validity, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any information or materials in general or in connection with any particular use or purpose presented at the Gold Forum. Denver Gold Group cannot accept responsibility for sourcing variances, mistakes, errors or omissions or for any action taken in reliance thereon. Use of this data is governed by Denver Gold Group's Terms of Use.

The Denver Gold Group does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any third party advice, opinion, statement, information or materials received during the Gold Forum.


The Gold Forum and the information and materials presented at the Gold Forum do not, and shall not be construed as, making any recommendation or providing any investment or other advice with respect to the purchase, sale or other disposition of any regulated gold related products or any other regulated products, securities or investments, including, without limitation, any advice to the effect that any gold related transaction is appropriate or suitable for any investment objective or financial situation of a prospective investor. A decision to invest in any regulated gold related products or any other regulated products, securities or investments should not be made in reliance on any of the information or materials presented or obtained during the Gold Forum. Before making any investment decision, prospective investors should seek advice from their financial, legal, tax and accounting advisers, take into account their individual financial needs and circumstances and carefully consider the risks associated with such investment decision.